Pennsylvania Civil War

11/23/64 Letter John H Warner 109th NYVI from Satterlee Hospital in Philadelphia

11/23/64 Letter John H Warner 109th NYVI from Satterlee Hospital in Philadelphia
11/23/64 Letter John H Warner 109th NYVI from Satterlee Hospital in Philadelphia

11/23/64 Letter John H Warner 109th NYVI from Satterlee Hospital in Philadelphia    11/23/64 Letter John H Warner 109th NYVI from Satterlee Hospital in Philadelphia

Abby I left Ithaca Monday morning at 8 o'clock and got to Oswego at about half past eleven and staid there until twenty two minutes past twelve and then took the York and Erie train for New York and arrived there at about 20 minutes of eleven and then we went to battery barracks castle garden and staid until one o'clock yesterday afternoon and took the boat for south amboy and then took the cars for Camden NJ opposite of Philadelphia and took the big ferry boat for Phila and landed at walnut st wharf at the foot of walnut st between eleven and twelve and then took the horse cars for the hospital and arrived here a little before twelve last night and found a light in the room and two of the boys just getting ready to go to bed and the boys were all glad to see me and they were all well. On my way back from New York I came across a good many boys that I was acquainted with. Now Abby I will close and send you all my best wishes and say to you that is is a very pleasant morning no more at present.

Please write as soon as you think proper and believe me as ever your friend and affectionate Brother. I forgot to tell you that I got the letter that H_ wrote to me and it was not directed to the Box and I got one that Maria Foot wrote me.

Residence was not listed; 23 years old. Enlisted on 8/7/1862 at Lansing, NY as a Private. On 8/18/1862 he mustered into "G" Co.

He was discharged on 5/17/1865 at Philadelphia, PA. Sources used by Historical Data Systems, Inc.

(c) Historical Data Systems, Inc.

11/23/64 Letter John H Warner 109th NYVI from Satterlee Hospital in Philadelphia    11/23/64 Letter John H Warner 109th NYVI from Satterlee Hospital in Philadelphia