Pennsylvania Civil War

6/63 Union Cavalryman Letter, J I Gregg's Brigade, Brandy Station battle

6/63 Union Cavalryman Letter, J I Gregg's Brigade, Brandy Station battle
6/63 Union Cavalryman Letter, J I Gregg's Brigade, Brandy Station battle
6/63 Union Cavalryman Letter, J I Gregg's Brigade, Brandy Station battle

6/63 Union Cavalryman Letter, J I Gregg's Brigade, Brandy Station battle    6/63 Union Cavalryman Letter, J I Gregg's Brigade, Brandy Station battle
Four page letter from a Cavalryman in J Irvin Gregg's Brigade just post the Brandy Station Battle. On picket near Warrenton Va. As I have a little leisure, I will commence another letter even if I did send you one yesterday.

I sent you ½ of a Wash. Yesterday our Regt got 2 months pay up to 1 May and I'll send you in this letter twenty dollars. I want you to reckon up and let me know how much more I need to pay up all my debts except your Harriet and aunt Lydia's or how much more than enough you'll have, which ever way it is and also tell me what the face of your note is, Harriet, against me, when was given and when it's due.

Send about such quality as this one only a little larger and they won't jam up as thinner ones well. I have paper enough for the present. Cherries and strawberries are ripe here now. I picked my first strawberry today.

William, Joseph, and I a few days ago, had as nice a double barrel, shotgun of London manufacture in Silver mounted as you ever saw, but we had no way to get it home and could not lug it around, so we gave it to our captain. If I can ever get hold of an extra revolver, I'll get it home; would make your eye water to see how they will shoot. We are now at Union Mills, 4 miles from Centerville and 22 from Alexandria.

I don't know where we are going and I don't worry about it for I know I shall go with the crowd unless my horse gives out. Yesterday was a very hot day, but we marched nearly 50 miles after one. I got heard some when returning to camp from Pickett. My horse backed into a ditch and fell on me and caught my right leg under him, and the whores could not get up nor I could not get up.

I received a letter from you the 14th ____. The girl grows in dry and in wet soil here, but it looks the thrift along the banks of a stream.

It is now in Blossom. I'll send some home as soon as I can. We do wear our nightcaps, but the nights are not cold now.

I would as lines you would have the gray colt as any anyone. You need not talk flex to me anymore. I read your letter __ _____ And took out maze to read, and Sue says now we will get the news.

May always write some news that I don't hear any other way. I never saw anyone improve in writing so fast as me.

It is awful dry here. I bought me a watch this morning, a patent lever hunter case for. The news in today's papers is that the ribs are marching into Pennsylvania. I hope it will put a stop to _____ men talking about resisting the draft. June the 18th near _____. We marched to here yesterday. I think all of the Calvary of the army of the Potomac is here. We are now in the 2nd division 9th brigade. The 1st Maine, the 4th & 16th PA are in a Brigade with us.

We have a new Brigadier a brother to Gen. Our regiment was not in I suppose it's the rear of the Brigade that have gave ____ that we have fell in with.

I shall wait till the coast is clear.
6/63 Union Cavalryman Letter, J I Gregg's Brigade, Brandy Station battle    6/63 Union Cavalryman Letter, J I Gregg's Brigade, Brandy Station battle