Pennsylvania Civil War

After Civil War Division, Reconstruction, and Reconciliation in Contemporar

After Civil War Division, Reconstruction, and Reconciliation in Contemporar
After Civil War Division, Reconstruction, and Reconciliation in Contemporar

After Civil War Division, Reconstruction, and Reconciliation in Contemporar   After Civil War Division, Reconstruction, and Reconciliation in Contemporar
The situations covered here are all in the 20th century. The cultures treated are Bosnia, Cyprus, Finland, Greece, Kosovo, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Spain, and Turkey (here considered as European).

Th is an anthology; contributors include anthropologists, political scientists, historians, and sociologists. It is divided into three sections. The first looks at reconstructions of nationhood between WWI and WWII. The second looks at reconstruction without conflict resolution (in Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Kurdistan).

The third looks at reconstruction supervised by outside authorities (in the Balkans and Northern Ireland). The core question explored throughout is what society people feel they belong to, in the aftermath of a civil war.
After Civil War Division, Reconstruction, and Reconciliation in Contemporar   After Civil War Division, Reconstruction, and Reconciliation in Contemporar