Pennsylvania Civil War

Cast of Skull Fragment Bullet Hole Union 83rd PA Mortally Wounded WIA Petersburg

Cast of Skull Fragment Bullet Hole Union 83rd PA Mortally Wounded WIA Petersburg
Cast of Skull Fragment Bullet Hole Union 83rd PA Mortally Wounded WIA Petersburg
Cast of Skull Fragment Bullet Hole Union 83rd PA Mortally Wounded WIA Petersburg
Cast of Skull Fragment Bullet Hole Union 83rd PA Mortally Wounded WIA Petersburg

Cast of Skull Fragment Bullet Hole Union 83rd PA Mortally Wounded WIA Petersburg    Cast of Skull Fragment Bullet Hole Union 83rd PA Mortally Wounded WIA Petersburg
He was wounded on June 20, 1864 at the battle of Petersburg, Virginia, and died several weeks later from the effects of the injury. I have made every attempt to ensure the stand protects and securely displays the item.
Cast of Skull Fragment Bullet Hole Union 83rd PA Mortally Wounded WIA Petersburg    Cast of Skull Fragment Bullet Hole Union 83rd PA Mortally Wounded WIA Petersburg