Pennsylvania Civil War

Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE

Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE

Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE    Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE
Genuine original antique Civil War era diary Female School Proprietor receipt book several pages including 43 double sided pages with revenue stamps Unique & RARE. Must be about 250 stamps, several pages have total of 6 stamps (3 ea front + back). Beginning page shows date of December 24, 1863, last entry date September 9, 1868. Cover of book has worn name imprint of Mrs. According to Pennsylvania Newspaper Archive search, she had a boarding & day school for young ladies at 1532 SPRUCE Street. Couple of interesting receipts include. 7" by 4" by 5/8th inches deep.

Leather cover book with spine binding faults. Please INSPECT ALL images for FULL details.

Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE    Civil War era diary girls school PA rcpt book abt250 revenue stamps Unique &RARE