Pennsylvania Civil War

Sgt Samuel W Croft 70th NY KIA Gettysburg, Letter Battle of Yorktown April 1862

Sgt Samuel W Croft 70th NY KIA Gettysburg, Letter Battle of Yorktown April 1862
Sgt Samuel W Croft 70th NY KIA Gettysburg, Letter Battle of Yorktown April 1862

Sgt Samuel W Croft 70th NY KIA Gettysburg, Letter Battle of Yorktown April 1862    Sgt Samuel W Croft 70th NY KIA Gettysburg, Letter Battle of Yorktown April 1862
Excellent letter by Sgt Samuel W Croft 70th NYVI Excelsior Brigade on the Seige of Yorktown. Croft would be killed at Gettysburg on July 2nd 1863 in the fighting around the Peach Orchard. Residence was not listed; 22 years old. Enlisted on 6/1/1861 at Pittsburgh, PA as a Private. On 6/22/1861 he mustered into "E" Co.

He was Killed on 7/2/1863 at Gettysburg, PA. Sources used by Historical Data Systems, Inc.

These Honored Dead: The Union Casualties at Gettysburg. (c) Historical Data Systems, Inc. I wrote to mother the evening of our arrival here and requested her to send the letter to you, so I suppose you are aware of our whereabouts. Please send this to mother so that she may know that her youngster is still in the land of the living, and in good health. Also please to let Mr.

Rotharmels folks, know of our locality, that dick is enjoying excellent health, and send his love to all his folks. The surrender of Island, No 10, and our victory at Corinth has staggered the rebels completely, and turned all eyes to Yorktown, the taking of which (is expected by all) will be the hardest fight of any yet fought, and very reasonable. It is to expect it. The flower of each army are here to contend with each other, and with the rebels, it will be life or death. That will urge them on their posted army of the Potomac once rooted and demoralized, I cannot for the life of me see what they have to fall back on. Their outer breastworks are 15 feet high, behind this is one breastwork after another, so fast as they are driven from one, they will fall back behind another and dust contend the ground inch by inch. In front of the outer breastwork is a canal 30 feet wide, which will have to be crossed. The number of rebel troops is supposed to be 90,000, that of ours between 130 or 40,000.

General McClellan is here in command. The country here was in an awful condition, the rebels had turned the York river on it, which washed away the roads, and converted the entire place into a swamp but this mischief has been speedily and almost fully repaired. The attack on the enemy will begin just as soon as things are in proper position. The siege guns are being placed in position. Also the infantry as fast as possible.

The position of Hooker's division is on the left of the line of battle. We will begin to take our positions today. It is the most responsible of all as we have the enemies retreat to cut off.

When we get in our position, we will be within 2 miles of Yorktown. Sam Black's regiment is within that distance of it now. I think I will see Sam Herr today. Please send me those stamps if you have not done so yet. Give my love to all the folks.

The ticks are thick as bees in this country. Yesterday I got two on me and this morning I found six more. There is one on my left arm which I intend, leaving there to find out his final intentions. PS we are on the south of Yorktown. I think we lie little south west of it.

Co E, 1st Regt, Excelsior Brigade.

Sgt Samuel W Croft 70th NY KIA Gettysburg, Letter Battle of Yorktown April 1862    Sgt Samuel W Croft 70th NY KIA Gettysburg, Letter Battle of Yorktown April 1862