Pennsylvania Civil War

Sgt Samuel W Croft 70th NY KIA Gettysburg, Letter Battle of Yorktown April 62 a

Sgt Samuel W Croft 70th NY KIA Gettysburg, Letter Battle of Yorktown April 62 a
Sgt Samuel W Croft 70th NY KIA Gettysburg, Letter Battle of Yorktown April 62 a

Sgt Samuel W Croft 70th NY KIA Gettysburg, Letter Battle of Yorktown April 62 a   Sgt Samuel W Croft 70th NY KIA Gettysburg, Letter Battle of Yorktown April 62 a

Excellent letter by Sgt Samuel W Croft 70th NYVI Excelsior Brigade on the Seige of Yorktown. Croft would be killed at Gettysburg on July 2nd 1863 in the fighting around the Peach Orchard.

Residence was not listed; 22 years old. Enlisted on 6/1/1861 at Pittsburgh, PA as a Private. On 6/22/1861 he mustered into "E" Co.

He was Killed on 7/2/1863 at Gettysburg, PA. Sources used by Historical Data Systems, Inc. These Honored Dead: The Union Casualties at Gettysburg. (c) Historical Data Systems, Inc. As we are now under the guns of the enemy, I thought I would write, while I yet have my right hand, all safe.

We are in the army, making all possible speed to attack Yorktown. We are 1 mile and a half from the outer fortifications of the rebels, a continued firing is kept up between our outposts, and the rebels, occasionally a brisk fight occurs, which every time yet has terminated in our favor.

Last night a weak, a brisk skirmish took place, in which two of the 63rd PA (Col Hays) were killed in two wounded. Night before last another small fight took place, three regiments were engaged in it, the 63rd PA was one. They took one battery of nine guns, drove the rebels inside their breastwork, mounted the breastwork and spiked seven other guns. When they were forced to retire with a loss of butt who killed.

Yesterday, an engineer belonging to hookers division, while sketching, a rebel battery, was killed by a bursting shell from the rebel guns. He lives sometime after shell strike him. Both his arms were blown off his entrails, cut out and his left eye out. The most pitiful, looking object I ever wish to see.

A soldier who is with him, had his right arm blown off at the elbow. A member of Sam Black regiment was accidentally shot last Sunday.

One of Company D, our regiment shot himself purposely last Tuesday. We moved to our present position on the line of battle yesterday.

We are about a quarter of a mile from McClellan's headquarters in the same distance from Sam Black regiment. I saw cousin Sam Herr yesterday. He is fat and hardy.

A shell has just been thrown (from the Rebels) into the woods beside us. I do not think they know the position of our troops, or they would shell us out. While I was at Black regiment, yesterday, they were throwing shell at gunboats in the bay, which were twice as far from their battery as black regimen is. We are about 200 yet farther from their line than black is. Give my love to your folks, kiss Harry for me. I have not had a letter from John for a long time. He never answered my last. Co E, 1st Regt Excelsior Brigade. One of the artillery man has a very extensive balloon used for.
Sgt Samuel W Croft 70th NY KIA Gettysburg, Letter Battle of Yorktown April 62 a   Sgt Samuel W Croft 70th NY KIA Gettysburg, Letter Battle of Yorktown April 62 a