Pennsylvania Civil War

Union Civil War J. Scott Co. A. 14th. Reg. Pa. Cavalry Brass & Iron Stencil

Union Civil War J. Scott Co. A. 14th. Reg. Pa. Cavalry Brass & Iron Stencil
Union Civil War J. Scott Co. A. 14th. Reg. Pa. Cavalry Brass & Iron Stencil
Union Civil War J. Scott Co. A. 14th. Reg. Pa. Cavalry Brass & Iron Stencil
Union Civil War J. Scott Co. A. 14th. Reg. Pa. Cavalry Brass & Iron Stencil
Union Civil War J. Scott Co. A. 14th. Reg. Pa. Cavalry Brass & Iron Stencil
Union Civil War J. Scott Co. A. 14th. Reg. Pa. Cavalry Brass & Iron Stencil
Union Civil War J. Scott Co. A. 14th. Reg. Pa. Cavalry Brass & Iron Stencil
Union Civil War J. Scott Co. A. 14th. Reg. Pa. Cavalry Brass & Iron Stencil
Union Civil War J. Scott Co. A. 14th. Reg. Pa. Cavalry Brass & Iron Stencil
Union Civil War J. Scott Co. A. 14th. Reg. Pa. Cavalry Brass & Iron Stencil
Union Civil War J. Scott Co. A. 14th. Reg. Pa. Cavalry Brass & Iron Stencil
Union Civil War J. Scott Co. A. 14th. Reg. Pa. Cavalry Brass & Iron Stencil

Union Civil War J. Scott Co. A. 14th. Reg. Pa. Cavalry Brass & Iron Stencil    Union Civil War J. Scott Co. A. 14th. Reg. Pa. Cavalry Brass & Iron Stencil

Union Civil War brass and tinned iron stencil. It was made for J.

These identification stencils were used by soldiers to mark their equipment, clothes, books, and other personal items. It measures just over 2" wide and 1 1/4" tall. The brass front is crimped over the tinned iron back. The brass front has some crinkles and bends from being used and carried. Johnson Scott enlisted on 9/10/1862 as a private and mustered out as a private. Here is the info listed for the 14th regiment Pa. PENNSYLVANIA ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY-NINTH INFANTRY (FOURTEENTH CAVALRY) (Three Years).

Thomas Gibson, Shadrack Foley, John M. Schoonmaker, a citizen of Pittsburg, and a lieutenant in the 1st Md.

Cavalry, was authorized by Sec. Stan- ton to recruit a battalion of five companies of cavalry.

Re- cruits were rapidly obtained and authority was given to recruit a full regiment. The men were principally from the counties of Allegheny, Fayette, Armstrong, Washington, Lawrence, Erie and Warren, and the city of Philadelphia. They rendezvoused at Camp Howe, afterwards at Camp Montgomery, near Pittsburg and were mustered into the U. 4, 1862, for three years. On the latter date it moved to Hager- stown, Md.

Where it received horses, arms and equipment and was drilled in the various cavalry evolutions. 28, it proceeded to Harper's Ferry and was engaged for several months in picket and scouting duty. A detachment of unmounted men un- der Maj. Foley was left at Harper's Ferry and the remainder of the command joined Gen.

Averell's forces at Grafton. It skir- mished at Beverly and Huttonville early in July, a few days later rejoined Gen. Kelley's forces at Cumberland, and pro- ceeded thence to Williamsport, where it joined the army of the Potomac, being engaged with the enemy's cavalry near Martins- burg on the 15th. Shortly after it was joined by Maj.

4 it moved with Gen. Averell on the Rocky gap raid in West Virginia and was hotly engaged at White Sul- phur springs losing 80 men, killed, wounded and missing. On this raid it marched over 600 miles in 27 days.

1, it moved with Gen. Averell on the Droop mountain raid and was engaged at Mill Point, and Droop mountain. Returning to New creek by easy marches, it shared in Averell's second raid into southwestern Virginia in December, when an immense amount of stores and merchandise, many miles of railroad track, and numerous bridges were destroyed.

Its loss during the raid was about 50 and the command marched over 345 miles under very trying conditions. It went into winter quar- ters at Martinsburg and was almost constantly engaged in pic- ket, guard and scout duty until the opening of the spring cam- paign. As a part of the 1st brigade, Col. Schoonmaker of Averell's division, it broke winter quarters on April 12, 1864, and moved to Parkersburg, whence it proceeded south to the Vir- ginia & Tennessee railroad, aiming to destroy the salt works at Saltville. The regiment was heavily engaged at Cove mountain in May, losing 12 killed and 37 wounded.

At Union, Averell's forces effected a junction with Gen. Crook, advanced to Lewis- burg and then to Staunton, to join the forces of Gen. Hunter who was about to move on the Lynchburg campaign. A detachment of the regiment, which had been left behind at Martinsburg under Capt.

Duncan, was meanwhile hotly engaged at New Market and Piedmont, carrying an earthwork, capturing a number of prisoners and winning praise for its gallantry in the latter action. At Staunton the detachment rejoined the regiment and started on the Lynchburg campaign. The Union cavalry drove Im- boden at Lexington, destroyed the Virginia military institute, skirmished at Buchanan, and June 17-18 fought the battle of Lynchburg, but was forced to retire.

During the retreat, the 14th, as part of Hunter's rearguard, was warmly engaged at Lib- erty on the 19th, holding the enemy in check for several hours and losing 6 killed and 18 wounded. It was active at Salem on the 21st and finally reached Parkersburg, after a march which entailed great hardship and suffering from hunger and fatigue. From Parkersburg it moved by rail to Martinsburg. In July it was twice engaged with Early's forces at Winchester, being forced to fall back to the Potomac with the rest of Averell's command.

After the burning of Chambersburg, Pa. It followed in pursuit of McCausland, overtook him at Moorefield, Va. Where severe punishment was administered to the forces of McCausland, Johnson, Gillmore, and McNeill, the 14th losing here 10 killed and 25 wounded. For gallantry displayed in the action at Weyer's cave, against the forces of Fitzhugh Lee, the name was inscribed upon its battle flag by general order. Miles and Duff was engaged at Cedar creek, on Oct. The regiment soon after made a reconnais- sance in the Luray valley and was hotly engaged with McCausland at Front Royal, losing 15 killed and wounded. During the win- ter of 1864-65, it suffered severely in expeditions to Millwood and Ashby's gap. After Lee's surrender it was stationed for two months near Washington and the latter part of June moved to Fort Leavenworth Kan. Where it was consolidated into a battal- ion of six companies on July 17, 1865. The field and staff and Cos. B, C, D, E and F were mustered out here, on Aug. 2 1865, the last named having been detailed as an escort to Gen. Dodge, commanding the department, on a tour of inspection. Please look at my other auctions.

Including: Bottles, & Civil War, Union & Confederate, Pre Civil War, Indian War, Organization, Military & Uniform buttons.

Union Civil War J. Scott Co. A. 14th. Reg. Pa. Cavalry Brass & Iron Stencil    Union Civil War J. Scott Co. A. 14th. Reg. Pa. Cavalry Brass & Iron Stencil